Is Ficus Hillii Flash fast growing?

Ficus Hillii Flash is a fast-growing Ficus tree that can be expected to between 40cm - 60cm a year. They are perfect hedging and screening trees. Wholesale rates available. Enquire within.
Is Ficus Hillii Flash fast growing?

Is Ficus Hillii Flash fast growing?

Ficus Hillii Flash is a fast-growing Ficus tree that can be expected to between 40cm - 60cm a year. Ficus Hillii Flash can grow to a height of 15 metres and a width of 6 metres with dense foliage making it the perfect tree for large gardens, commercial landscapes and for hedging and screening. The height of Ficus Hillii Flash can be controlled with regular trimming, meaning it can be easily incorporated into any garden design.

Wholesale Rates Available

If you are a landscaper or a builder looking to purchase Ficus Hillii wholesale, please contact us directly via the contact us page.



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