crepe myrtle , crepe myrtles , decidious , feature tree , lagerstroemia indica Are Crepe Myrtles Deciduous? You may have heard that crepe myrtles are deciduous trees, but what does that mean? In short, it means that they lose their leaves during Autumn a... Read article
Crepe Myrtle , Crepe Myrtles Crepe Myrtle Planting Guide The crepe myrtle tree has many uses in landscaping. It grows quickly and produces beautiful flowers that attract butterflies and birds. Crepe myrt... Read article
Blog Post , crepe myrtle , crepe myrtles A Beginner's Guide to Crepe Myrtle Trees: Everything You Need to Know Common Name: Crepe Myrtle Botanical Name: Lagerstroemia Indica Crepe myrtle trees are not just beautiful additions to your landscape; they're also... Read article
crepe myrtle , crepe myrtles , evergreen trees direct , lagerstroemia indica How To Grow And Care For Crepe Myrtles (Lagerstroemia Indica) - Evergreen Trees Direct Crepe myrtles (aka Lagerstroeomia Indica) are a deciduous tree and are beautiful trees that can add a lot of interest to your landscape. These tre... Read article
Crepe Myrtle , Crepe Myrtles What are the best feature trees for my garden? There are a variety of different trees that can make great features in your garden, depending on your location and climate. On the coast, olive tr... Read article